Product Description
Beau has consistently brought the correct type to his progeny. If you are needing a buck that makes correct kids, this is the one. He has without a doubt been a great general purpose buck-breed him to anything and he does the same thing, when it comes to type. I can’t think of another nubian buck who has as many Junior Champion daughters throughout the country and in so many herds. He consistently levels toplines, corrects feet, depth of heel, adds length of body and doesn’t hurt in the milk department either. His dam, GCH Regehrs #1 Sparkle Plenty 4*M 4-01 89 (VVEV), who was quite lovely and undefeated as a four year-old was 1st place in her Four Year-Old age class at the 1994 ADGA Nationals and then died that same year. She gave her son her great strength in both her strong topline and length.
Beau has a show history that is pretty amazing. He was the 1995 Yearling All-American and 2000 Reserve All-American Five and Over buck. He finished his Championship as a yearling, and after that was only shown in a few Champion Challenge classes where he was 2xBOB, 2x1st and 1x2nd. At his last show he was Best Buck-In-Show over 93 other bucks.
Beau’s progeny has done incredibly well at both local shows and on the national level. Beau first became seriously recognized as a buck of notice when his daughter Manges Colony Grace 4-02 88 (VVEV), was named the ADGA National Junior Champion in 1995. Grace went on to be the 4th place Milking Yearling at the 1996 ADGA Nationals, and as an adult to Linear Appraise 4-02 88 (VVEV). Also at the 1996 ADGA National Show the 1st place Junior Get-Of-Sire was Beau’s. At the 1999 National Show, he sired the 5th place Two Year-Old with 2nd Best Udder, the 12th place Intermediate Kid and the 13th place Senior Yearling. Beau’s spotlight became even brighter and wider in 2002. Being Hill’s Acres herd sire gave him the extra numbers he needed to really show his proof and abilities on a wide variety of gene pools. At the 2002 ADGA National Show, Beau sired the 1st place Four Year-Old Milker with 1st place Udder, GCH Hill’s Acres Beauquet 1*M, the 2nd place Four Year-Old Milker with 3rd place Udder, GCH Hill’s Acres A Beaudacious Gal 1*M 4-03 90 (VVVE), the 19th place Three Year-Old, the 1st place Senior Get-Of-Sire and was named the 2002 ADGA National Show Nubian Premier Sire!
Your expectations of Beau can be fairly reliable. He tends to sire two different types of daughters: one type being long, level, angular and dairy; the other style is shorter coupled, very correct, very level, very wide and milks like a house-a-fire. Quite often you get one of each, in each kidding. Keep them both, they are both winners as mature does. Beau is now deceased and available only through the great art of artificial insemination. But somehow I don’t think we’re done seeing his daughters in a lot more future show rings. ~ Teresa Wade
- Weight: 1 oz