Product Description
Solution excels in sharpness and height at the point of withers, length of body and levelness of topline. In addition, he has excellent feet and legs, with near perfect set to the rear legs and short, strong pasterns! His first group of doe kids, born this spring, are exhibiting these same strengths, especially the improvement of feet and legs over their dams.
Solution’s dam, SGCH Haycreeks Arrio Senterfold 3-06 90 (EEEV), has passed to her son a combination of tremendous style, balance and correctness of front end assembly. She easily finished her championship as a two year-old and also has received her Superior Genetics designation.
Solution’s littermate sister, CH Haycreeks Xcited Sona, has done very well in the show ring being 1st place with 1st place Udder Two Year-Old at the 2013 ADGA National Show and 3rd place Senior Yearling at the 2012 ADGA National Show, as well as appraising VG89 (EEEE) as a first freshener. Solution’s paternal sister, CH Cardinal Hill XCA Limerick, is the 1st place/1st place Udder Two Year-Old in 2012 and 2nd place/2nd place Udder Three Year-Old at the 2013 ADGA National Show. She has an amazing udder with tremendous area of attachment, length of fore udder with height and width to the rear. Another paternal sister, Haycreeks Xcited Falen, was named the 2013 ADGA Junior National Champion and 1st place Intermediate Kid at the 2013 ADGA National Show.
His young daughters are showing strength in the show ring with Haycreeks Solution Seeker being 1st place Junior Yearling Recorded Grade at the 2013 ADGA National Show, and Haycreeks Solution Shay was Reserve Junior Champion Oberhasli at the 2013 Minnesota State Fair. ~ Morgan AllenÂ
- Weight: 1 oz